Dsc - Encrypting Credentials

Written on February 11, 2019

Using credentials in a DSC configuration is almost unavoidable. Storing your credentials in plain text is absolutely avoidable, and should be a requirement for you; even a lab environment.

To accomplish credential encryption in DSC, you will need to use certificates. I will go over 2 different ways to do so.

  1. Self Signed Certificate
  2. Using PKI with Active Directory Certificate Services (ADCS)

Self Signed Certificate

Starting in Windows 10 / Server 2016, you can create self signed certificates using the New-SelfSignedCertificate cmdlet. If you are on a prior version of Operating System, you can download this cmdlet from the PSGallery using 'Install-Module -Name SelfSignedCertificate'.

Since you will be putting certificates into the local computer certificate store, you will need to be running as admin.

$pubCertPath=Join-Path -Path $certFolder -ChildPath DscPubKey.cer

# You may want to delete this file after completing
$privateKeyPath=Join-Path -Path $ENV:TEMP -ChildPath DscPrivKey.pfx

$privateKeyPass=Read-Host -AsSecureString -Prompt "Private Key Password"

if(!(Test-Path -Path $certFolder)){
  New-Item -Path $certFolder -Type Directory | Out-Null

$cert=New-SelfSignedCertificate -Type DocumentEncryptionCertLegacyCsp `
  -DnsName 'DscEncryption' `
  -HashAlgorithm SHA512 `
  -NotAfter $expiryDate `
  -KeyLength 4096 `
  -CertStoreLocation $certStore

$cert | Export-PfxCertificate -FilePath $privateKeyPath `
  -Password $privateKeyPass `

$cert | Export-Certificate -FilePath $pubCertPath 

Import-Certificate -FilePath $pubCertPath `
  -CertStoreLocation $certStore

Import-PfxCertificate -FilePath $privateKeyPath `
  -CertStoreLocation $certStore `
  -Password $privateKeyPass | Out-Null

Now you have a certificate 'DscEncryption' in your Computer Personal store. You should also have a X.509 certificate file -> C:\dsc\cert\DscPubKey.cer. You can now utilize this certificate for Dsc configurations on your local machine. Example to follow.

ADCS Certificate Template

As you may have guessed, you will need to have AD Certificate Services setup before you can follow along. I will not cover how to do so here, but maybe in a future post.


To utilize a Dsc Certificate Template, you must have a PKI environment setup using ADCS.

You will also want to grab the ADCSTemplateForPSEncryption module from the PowerShell gallery. With that, you will be able to run the command New-ADCSTemplateForPSEncryption. This command will require that the Active Directory PowerShell module is available.

Lastly, the computer you are requesting the certificate on must be on the same domain as the Certificate Authority used.

# -Publish will publish the certificate to AD, you may not want to do so
New-ADCSTemplateForPSEncryption -DisplayName 'Dsc Template' `
  -AutoEnroll `
  -Publish `

Your certificate template should now be setup. You can check for it by running Get-CATemplate.

Now you can request a certificate from your domains Certificate Authority server using the newly created Template:


if(!(Test-Path -Path $certFolder)){
  New-Item -Path $certFolder -Type Directory | Out-Null

$certReq=Get-Certificate -Template 'Dsc Template' `
  -CertStoreLocation 'Cert:\LocalMachine\My' `
  -Url ldap: `
  -SubjectName $subjectName `
  -DnsName $dnsName

if($certReq.Status -eq 'Issued'){
  $certReq.Certificate | Export-Certificate -FilePath "$certFolder\DscPubKey.cer"
  Write-Output $certReq.Certificate
  Write-Output $certReq

If you followed the Self Signed Certificate walkthrough, you should be at a similar end point. You should have a certificate in your Computer Personal store (named as the dns name of your computer). You should also have a X.509 certificate file -> C:\dsc\cert\DscPubKey.cer. You can now utilize this certificate for Dsc configurations on your local machine.

Credential Encryption Example

First, verify all the certificate info. We will need the certificate Thumprint, and certificate file location on the local computer.

Verify certificate

# If you followed the same path used above


$cert=Get-Item -Path "Cert:\LocalMachine\My\$certThumb"
if($cert -and $cert.PrivateKey){
  Write-Host "Certificate looks good. Use the following info"
  New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
    'CertificateID/Thumbprint' = $certThumb;
    CertPath = $certPath;
  $warn="Something isn't right. Verify certificate is in correct Store and exported to $certPath"
  Write-Warning $warn

Configure LCM

configuration LCMCertConfig {
    Settings {
      RefreshMode = 'Push';
      CertificateID = $cert.Thumbprint;

LCMCertConfig -OutputPath 'C:\dsc\lcm'
Set-DscLocalConfigurationManager -Path 'C:\dsc\lcm' -Force -Verbose

Push test credential configuration

configuration LocalUserSetup {



  Import-DscResource -ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration

    User 'NewLocalUser' {
      UserName = $UserName;
      Password = $Password;
      FullName = $FullName;
      Disabled = $Disabled;
      Ensure = 'Present';

    Group 'AddToAdmin' {
      GroupName = 'Administrators';
      MembersToInclude = $UserName;
      Ensure = 'Present';
      DependsOn = '[User]NewLocalUser';


$mof=LocalUserSetup -OutputPath 'C:\dsc' `
  -UserName 'MrT' `
  -FullName 'Mr. T' `
  -Password $cred `
  -ConfigurationData $configData

Before running the configuration, we should verify that the credentials are indeed encrypted.

Get-Content -Path $mof.FullName | more

Near the top of the Mof file, you should see something like 'instance of MSF_Credential' and in the block below it, a huge string of random characters after 'Password'. Something like this:

instance of MSFT_Credential as $MSFT_Credential1ref
  Password = "-----BEGIN CMS-----\nmOAC++...iXr+79KFM\n-----END CMS-----";
  UserName = "MrT";


I removed most of the encrypted string but it should be quite long. As you can see, your password has been encrypted. Next step is to make sure that it works.

Run the configuration

Start-DscConfiguration -Path C:\dsc -Force -Wait -Verbose

You should now see a newly created local user 'MrT', and that user should be a member of the Administrators local group.

# or run: net user

Get-LocalGroupMember -Group Administrators
# or run: net localgroup Administrators

Bonus points

For fun, try either removing your newly created user completely, or just remove the user from the Administrators group. If you wait 15 minutes or so (or run Update-DscConfiguration -Wait -Verbose) your user should come right back. Pretty cool.

Thanks for reading

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